
As Signature Car Rental, we care about your safety. In this direction, we would like to inform you about our data processing activities within the scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, which is regulated for the protection of personal data and the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life.

In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“KVKK”), any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person is defined as personal data. Your personal data before our company; It may be possible to save, change, reorganize, transfer, classify and update in our systems within the legal limits for the reasons, purposes and methods explained below, and your personal data may be processed in accordance with the conditions listed in the KVKK.

Who is the Data Controller?

Data controller refers to the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system. In this direction, Signature Car Rental processes your personal data as data controller within the scope of KVKK.

What Personal Data Do We Collect?

The information we need may vary depending on the nature of the rental process, the damage situation, the use of customer loyalty programs, the campaigns utilized, and the services requested. You can find this information generally under categories below:

Identity (Name-surname, signature, T.R ID number, date of birth, driver's license, ID, passport photocopies, etc.)
Contact (Phone, e-mail address, address, etc. information)
Customer Transaction Information (Vehicle delivery form, rental agreement, detailed information about the rental process (fuel, date, HGS/OGS usage, etc.), Signature Car Rental card information, policy information, replacement vehicle form, past rental information in our company, assistance services. information about the campaign, flight information of the companies that are running the campaign, etc.)
Finance (Credit card information, payment information, Findeks information)
Physical Venue Security (Camera recordings taken in our offices)
Audio and Audio Recordings (Call center recordings)
Personnel (Information about profession, title, workplace etc. within the scope of customer loyalty programs and campaigns such as Signature Car Rental card)
Transaction Security Information (User name and password information created for website or mobile application usage)
Marketing (Survey, cookie records, rental history, preferences for campaigns and offers, etc.)
Legal Action, Criminal Conviction and Security Measures (Traffic fines, information on criminal investigation processes, correspondence made by judicial authorities, minutes)
Vehicle (In case of accident, damage, etc., damaged vehicle information, other vehicle information involved in the accident, plate information, other information regarding vehicle use)
Damage (Damage information, accident report, damage photos, appraisal report)
Health (In case of accident, alcohol report, health reports, etc. information about personal health status, disability information),
What are the Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data?

Your personal data is processed in accordance with the principles set forth in the KVKK for the following purposes:

a) Execution of rental offers, reservations and sales processes, payment transactions, delivery-return transactions, execution of after-sales support processes, especially damage and recourse processes, evaluation of requests and complaints, confirmation of identity, execution of insurance transactions, business partners and / or management of relations with suppliers, execution of customer relations processes and providing necessary information to the customer within the scope of leasing, creation and use of your customer account.

b) Execution and follow-up of legal works and transactions, sharing information with authorized public institutions and organizations within the framework of legislation, management of internet access records and ensuring data security.

c) Recording audio in the call center process, requesting findeks information from customers, determination of solvency and financial background inquiry, prevention of fraud and provision of vehicle protection services, planning and execution of risk management, execution of necessary audit and control processes within the scope of company activities, reporting and reporting. making reviews, making the website functional.

d) Contacting within the scope of marketing activities regarding our products and services, sending commercial electronic messages, presenting personalized offers, conducting analysis, survey and satisfaction studies, planning and/or execution of product and/or service commitment processes, special interest to customers within the scope of cookie activities. Execution of marketing processes, Carrying out signature Car Rental card transfer processes.

To Whom Can Your Personal Data Be Transferred For What Purposes?

Your personal data in connection with the purpose of transfer within the scope of the requirements of commercial life, limited and measured; Execution of after-sales support processes, risk management, determination of solvency and payment transactions, execution of claims and recourse processes, execution of insurance transactions, prevention of abuse, execution of assistance service processes, receiving support services for sending commercial messages and customer satisfaction research, conducting marketing activities The following person, within the scope of the processing conditions specified in the 8th and 9th articles of the KVKK, only to the extent required by the service, for the purposes of conducting and following legal works and transactions, performing audit activities, executing the activities in accordance with the legislation and sharing information with authorized public institutions and organizations within the framework of the legislation. / can be transferred to organizations:

Dealers, service and car parks that are our business partners within the framework of leasing activity
Companies from which we receive assistance services, including towing services
Companies we work with when it comes to corporate clients
Adjusters and insurance companies
Banks and finance companies
Organizations we consult on legal, financial, tax and operational issues
Agencies and companies that carry out marketing activities we receive support from
Courier and other transport companies
Business partners and suppliers from whom we receive services in various subjects
Bor Holding A.Ş. group companies within
Signature Car Rental in services carried out globally
Authorized public institutions and organizations
What are the Collection Methods and Legal Reasons of Your Personal Data?

Your personal data by our Company; website, mobile applications, e-mail, call center, company officials, our business partners, group companies and Signature Car Rental SE, directly from our customer through public institutions and organizations, or through these organizations in written/verbal non-automatic ways or electronic media. are collected automatically.

We use your personal data within the framework of the legal reasons listed in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK, depending on the nature of the transaction. “What are the Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data?” Your personal data in connection with the processing purposes specified in the section;

For the purposes specified in article (a) "it is necessary because it is directly related to the establishment and performance of the rental agreement"; In case of processing of health data in damage processes, "explicit consent of the person concerned",
For the purposes specified in article (b), "it is obligatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation" and "explicitly stipulated in the law",
For the purposes specified in article (c), "data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject",
For the purposes set out in article (d) "with the express consent of the person concerned"
processed for legal reasons.

What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?

Regarding the processing of your personal data, you can submit your requests regarding your rights listed below within the scope of Article 11 of the KVKK in accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller:

1. Learning whether your personal data is processed or not,

2. If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

3. To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,

4. Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred, at home or abroad,

5. Requesting correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,

6. Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data,

7. Requesting notification of the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, of the transactions within the scope of the correction, deletion or destruction of your personal data,

8. Objecting to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems,

9. Requesting the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

Since our company may be obliged to keep the records and documents related to the transactions carried out with its customers for a certain period of time within the scope of legal regulations; If you want your personal data to be deleted, destroyed or anonymized and there is a period determined by legal regulations, this request can be fulfilled by our Company at the end of the legal period. However, during this period, your personal data will not be processed by our Company, except in cases where it is legally required.

You can always submit your requests regarding your personal data to us through different methods in accordance with the conditions set out in the "Application Form Regarding Personal Data" or the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller. You can also find more detailed information and contact addresses regarding the application in the form.

Due to changes in company policies and activities, this text may be updated periodically. You can visit our page regularly to reach the most up-to-date version of the text.

Centre Address
Zerdalilik Mahallesi Cebesoy Caddesi No:108/C Muratpaşa/ANTALYA
Branch Address
Antalya Havalimanı Ofisi Aksu / ANTALYA
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